Summer is finally here bringing us beautiful warm weather, and of course, most of us will try to spend as much time as we can outdoors soaking up the vitamin D and fresh air. Unfortunately with summer also comes the usual bug bites and stings. I’m sure most of us have been bitten at least once or maybe even stung by a bee at some point.
Most bites cause itching, irritation, and swelling. More serious bites can be very harmful and in some cases, allergic reactions can occur from bites or bee stings. In this instance, medical attention should be sought immediately.
If you have access to ice, putting ice or an ice pack immediately on a bite can help with swelling and pain right away. Follow-up with topical essential oils can be a quick and easy remedy to help bring some relief to a bite. Some essential oils can even be used to help deter bugs and prevent a bite.
Here are my top 5 choices of essential oils that can be used to bring relief and or help prevent bug bites

Lavender Essential Oil
is well known for its soothing and relaxing qualities but is also excellent for helping to repel specific bugs like ticks and mosquitoes. It is one of the most versatile oils and is perfect for all skin types. Lavender oil can be used to help relieve discomfort and itching of a bite and as It also has antiseptic properties it can help reduce the chance of infection. As a natural insect repellent, the lavender essential oil is perfect for those times when the bugs are out in full force. There are many ways to use this oil
I recommend using a few drops of lavender in the diffuser to help deter bugs from entering my home. A few drops onto a tissue or small ball of cotton and pop it in your wardrobe to keep bugs away and everything smelling delightful. I often pop a few drops onto the corners of my floor rugs, and dog beds to help keep bugs away.
If going outdoors dilute a few drops of lavender with a carrier oil and apply it to your skin.
Lavender oil also works well when blended with tea tree oil, (both must be blended into a carrier oil) and then applied to the skin as it provides a nice cooling sensation for irritated skin and helps to relieve pain in the area where there might be swelling or inflammation.
Peppermint Essential Oil
Did you know that spiders are not fond of the smell of peppermint? One of the best oils to help with natural relief from itching. The oil can be applied directly to stings and different bites but must always be diluted with a carrier oil first.
The antiseptic and cooling properties of peppermint essential oil will help to soothe pain and discomfort. On top of its other benefits, research has shown that peppermint oil can take the sting out of several bug bites.
Lemongrass Essential Oil
Commonly used as a kitchen herb lemongrass essential oil works well to soothe and prevent mosquito bites. It will need to be mixed with Lavender and tea tree and diluted with a carrier oil of your choice before being applied to the skin. Lemongrass oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that make it ideal for soothing insect bites.
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree oil has cleansing and antibacterial properties making it perfect for healing and soothing insect bites. It can help to prevent irritation from spreading if applied soon after being bitten by an insect.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Originally used by Aborigines in Australia to help remove irritations on their skin such as cuts, stings, and bites. It provides pain relief and cooling to irritated skin where there may be swelling or inflammation from the bug bite. Like Lavender, this oil can also be used to help prevent insects from getting close as it has natural repellent properties.

Here’s a DIY roller recipe to help with bug bites
This roll-on bug bite remedy uses three powerful essential oils from the list above to help with the discomfort of bug bites. Roller remedies are extremely useful as they are effective and easy to carry with you
4 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
3 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
2 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
Jojoba Oil
10 ml Roll-On bottle
Add essential oils into the roll-on bottle, and fill the remainder of the bottle with your carrier oil. Place roller insert and cap on and shake well to blend the oils together.
To use, first cleanse the bug bite area with soap and water, and pat dry. Roll directly on and around the bug bite. Let air dry. Don’t Scratch!
Want to start making your own bug natural bug repellent? Head to our shop today for high-quality, 100% pure soil-certified oils.