Over the last three weeks, we have looked at the importance of sleep, and how a lack of sleep can affect us and briefly looked at essential oils that can help with a better night’s sleep.
This week we explore 7 of the best essential oils to use for promoting a good night’s sleep and how they actually work. Click here to find out more.

While there is limited research into how essential oils work, experts believe that when a person inhales essential oils, the molecules attach to the olfactory bulb in the nose. From here, the molecules transmit signals to parts of the brain involved in emotional and behavioral responses. These areas then release neurotransmitters that induce an emotional or behavioral effect.

Here are examples of three different neurotransmitters and how they can affect us
- Serotonin helps promote feelings of calm and is also involved in the production of melatonin, which promotes sleep.
- Endorphins promote feelings of euphoria and also have a sedative effect.
Noradrenaline acts as a stimulant.

The 7 essential oils for sleep
One of the most common essential oils due to its many benefits. Lavender essential oil was made popular by French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé in 1928 after he discovered the healing properties through an accident when he used it to heal a burn on his hand and was amazed at how it quickly healed a burn on his hand. Since then, lavender oil has been widely studied for its many therapeutic benefits.
A study done in 2021 found that inhaling lavender oil significantly improved sleep quality in individuals with major depression.
Other potential health benefits include:
- Reducing anxiety and stress
- Improving brain function
- Reducing headaches
- Alleviating pain and healing wounds
Popularly known for the soothing tea made from its flowers, the herb and oil are both useful for promoting calm and aiding relaxation A small-scale study done in 2021 found that chamomile essential oil significantly improved sleep quality among 20 university students who experienced poor sleep quality.
It may also be useful for the following:
- alleviating anxiety
- alleviating headaches
- promoting digestive health
- wound healing
If you’re a fan of Earl Grey tea, you’re already enjoying the distinctive taste of bergamot, which is used to flavour the tea. A study done in 2019 found that an essential oil blend of bergamot, lavender, and ylang-ylang improved sleep quality in people with heart problems.
Experts believe that bergamot may help reduce blood pressure and heart rate, resulting in a calming effect.
A herb often enjoyed as a tea and known for helping with digestion, peppermint may also have anti-inflammatory properties. The essential oil is often used to help alleviate pain and may also be useful for reducing anxiety and stress.
In 2020 a study compared the effect of peppermint essential oil, lavender essential oil, and aromatic distilled water control on sleep quality in 105 people with cardiac issues. The study found that both essential oils improved reported sleep quality compared to the control.
However, there was no significant difference in sleep quality between the peppermint and lavender essential oil conditions. This suggests that both essential oils are equally effective at improving sleep quality.
Has a natural, woody aroma. While there is limited research on the use of cedarwood oil for sleep, a study conducted in 2017 into sleep quality in older adults with dementia used cedarwood oil as part of a blend also containing cypress and pine essential oils. The study showed that the essential oil blend significantly improved sleep duration and reduced sleep disturbances in the participants.
The oil is also known to help with
- alleviating pain
- reducing stress and anxiety
- improving concentration
- promoting sleep
Another essential oil with a woody aroma. A 2016 study distributed aroma sticks to people living with cancer to help manage sleep problems in this population. The aromatics contained the following essential oils: sandalwood, bergamot, frankincense, mandarin and lavender
Results showed that 64% of participants reported some improvement in the quality of their sleep while using the aroma sticks
The oil is also helpful for
- improving mood
- improving focus
- reducing stress and anxiety
- promoting a feeling of calm
A 2017 study investigated the effect of aromatherapy massage on sleep quality in nurses on rotating night shifts using a blend of marjoram essential oil and sweet almond oil as the carrier oil. The nurses were divided into two groups: a treatment group that received the aromatherapy massage and a control group that rested in the room where the massages had taken place.
Results showed that the treatment group experienced a significant decrease in sleep disturbance and daytime dysfunction compared to the control group. The study concluded that massages with the essential oil blend were effective in improving sleep quality.
Marjoram essential oil is also known to help with
- alleviating stress and depression
- alleviating pain
- promoting digestive health
Why not try this blend in your diffuser to help get a better night’s sleep
- 2 drops Lavender
- 2 drops Bergamot
- 2 drops Sandalwood